The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership program requires 54 semester hours of coursework,
which include 42 credit hours of core courses and a minimum of 12 credit hours of
dissertation writing. In addition to the required coursework, the doctoral program
in Educational Leadership includes a qualifying examination (administered after the
core coursework is completed), the dissertation and the dissertation defense.
Specific Course Requirements (54 credit hours):
- EDDL 6000 - Seminar in Doctoral Studies (3)
- EDDL 6001 - Research and Statistics I (3)
- EDDL 6002 - Curriculum and Instructional Theory (3)
- EDDL 6003 - Research and Statistics II (3)
- EDDL 6004 – Philosophical Foundations of Educational Leadership (3)
- EDDL 6005 - Public Policy and Politics of Education (3)
- EDDL 6006 – Introduction to Qualitative Research (3)
- EDDL 6007 – Advanced Qualitative Research (3)
- EDDL 6008 – Adult Learning and Distributed Leadership (3)
- EDDL 6009 - Educational Change and School Improvement (3)
- EDDL 6010 - Organizational Theory and Educational Leadership (3)
- EDDL 6011 - Program Evaluation and Student Assessment (3)
- EDDL 6012 – Critical Issues in Urban Educational Leadership (3)
- EDDL 6013 – Seminar in Research and Dissertation Development (3)
- EDDL 6990 – Dissertation (3) *
*NOTE: Following admission to candidacy, a doctoral student must enroll for 1 to 6 dissertation
hours every fall, spring, and summer term for a minimum of 12 semester hours until
completion of dissertation. Candidates have seven (7) years from the date of admission
to complete the program. May repeat for credit.
Ms. Chrystal Fountain, Program Advisor
Department of Advanced Studies in Education
Chicago State University/ College of Education Building, Room 319
9501 South King Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60628-1598
Phone: (773) 995-2086 or (773) 995-5018